Despite all of the maneuvering and deal makinng going on in the House and Senate, I am still promoting a Medicare for all baseline from which individuals and employers/unions can buy group policy offerings that would be a. in addition to Medicare's services or b. as a competitive option for those who want to opt out of Medicare. So, I'm sending this message to members of Congress:
1) Congress should pass legislation to change the Medicare eligibility to include every US citizen, even those still in the womb, and the non-citizen, legal residents.
2) Congress should pass legislation to remove Medicare Part D's restriction against negotiating prices for prescription medication. The government/tax payers should get the lowest prices simply because it is government procurement.
3) Congress must require providers to identify the insurance company payer and not the patient for all financial responsibility. This change would eliminate the dual accounts receivable for each provider whether for inpatient or outpatient care.
I believe that now is the time to let our representatives and senators what we really want as a health care reform bill. The most important message to send is your opinion on the form of a public plan, such as Medicare for All, an insurance company co-operative pool. or no public option. Deals are being made but they will vanish if we weigh in on the elements we really want.