The Army's official explanation of its investigation into alleged disrespect of the holy Koran is: "The splashing of urine was among the cases described as inadvertent. It was said to have occurred when a guard urinated near an air vent and the wind the wind blew his urine through the vent into a detainee's cell." [The New York Times, 6/4/05]. Come on! That's insulting us about an insult to the detainees. Imagine or recall the uproar whenever someone desecrates the US flag--and the flag isn't from God as the Koran is to Muslims. I guess an equivalent act would be to "inadvertently" urinate in the consecrated wine during the Christians' sacrament of the Eucharist. Just expressing that makes me shudder. I'd remember such an act for the rest of my life. Look at the effects of unmasking years of pedophilia by priests in the Catholic Church. Did the victims accept an explanation that child abuse was "inadvertent?" Can a parent of an abused child imagine being given a replacement unabused child to bring closure for destroying trust and perverting sexual expression? No, I'm angry about the attempt to minimize what happened; I'm ashamed this could happen within a disciplined, military environment.
Where are the news conferences by members of Congress decrying these abuses and condemning members of the Administration and military for insipid propaganda offered to ashamed and angry people in this country and around the world?
I'm going to find out what my Congressional representatives have done. I'll post what I find out.
# posted by Sherfdog @ 18:19