At 96, John Kenneth Galbraith still speaks truth to America. Becoming a beacon-like name to the Change Generation of the 1960's, this economist continues to address the most basic themes for correcting America's political quagmire, the Bush Bogs. Arthur Conan Doyle's novels about the exploits of Sherlock Holmes often feature dangerous moors, with dense fog day and night masking the pools of quick sand. These bogs entrap their victims with their watery sand, seemingly sucking the hapless wanderer into their depths, entombing the man or beast in a sure, invisible muck. Professor, Presidential Advisor, Ambassador Galbraith's son relays his father's prognostication for the present time of war overseas, of diminishing federal social programs and of quasi-religious and puritanical, political Luddites in control of the Republican Party.
Today I am surprised by the youthful Galbraith who contributed so much to my social awakening and education of my college years when civil rights, Viet Nam and racial trauma placed my generation into various endeavors to effect change in the institutions of government, in the social morality that embraced radical ideas of racial equality and entitlement to education and enfranchisement.
Galbraith's son sees the Bush Administration's as a retrograde to the excluding social and political institutions that my generation spent decades to reform. I hope the young of today will take up the challenge this current Administration's retreat to a resurgence of commitment for good in the world.
# posted by Sherfdog @ 08:14