07 September 2005
MBA Government
Is this why W goes to his Crawford farm so often? [By the way, ranches in Texas are measured by sections, not acres.]
The staffing of the Bush II Administration primarily included managers and staff persons, not CEO or COO roles. Dick Cheney is a notable exception and his corporate experience most likely led to his role of Chief Operating Officer--the day-to-day boss, the controller of business affairs--or, of the Cabinet members and their departments of government. The CEO sets the corporate direction, the vision by which the COO and all operating departments pursue irrespective of function or purpose.
The CEO/COO office delegates authority to the Cabinet which, in turn, delegate limited authority to the several Administration departments--including the military. Typically, accountability for errors, unsuccessful implementation, renegade or whistle-blower sanctions begin at the lowest levels not at the top. The hierarchical nature of delegation of authority allows the senior officers to be insulated from raw information and accountability for failures.
Thus the surprised reactions to 9/11,to the extent of Iraqi resistance forces during US occupation and, currently, hurricane Katrina's power and devastation could come from a corporate thought paradigm which trusts in the functioning of subordinate managers. As noted above, raw information input rarely goes to the CEO/COO unfiltered. That's what staff is for. Further, any failures should be handled as far down in the management structure as possible.
So, it would seem that incompetence in one or two of the departments could have kept W from knowing the extent of damage caused by Katrina. Incompetence at FEMA and Homeland Security seem to be the prime examples, yet will their heads roll? "Good job, Brownie," said W. It's important for the CEO to support his subordinates in tough times.
Then there can be deceit and irregularities going on to which the CEO would be blind. Just ask Ken Lay. How would W know what Karl Rowe is doing, what internecine deals are being blessed or fostered by Cheney and Rowe? Where were they last week? Who's running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Probably Cheney because his vested interests lie in that region, not New Orleans or Mississippi.
Too bad the Board only meets every four years.
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