14 October 2005
Now, the Germinator
What endangers the health of persons on fixed incomes more? The governor or the prescription medicines purchased from countries having higher-rated public health outcomes? How do such attitudes illustrate the compassionate conservative's free market ideology?
The quotation above is part of the California governor's neo-politik used to justify his veto of legislation enabling Californians and the State to import prescription drugs from Britain, Ireland and Canada.
I don't know how he can appear in public for the remainder of his term of office. While I doubt that state or federal ADF agents will raid any assisted living or retiree bathrooms forillegallyy purchased prescription medicine from these three countries, many poor, elderly and disabled people refuse to do anything against the law. Unless they can qualify for MediCal--i.e., impoverished by design--they cannot sustain recurring drug costs for chronic illnesses.
This veto is yet another example of compassionate conservatism in action.
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