If one can imagine that the Washington politicians are serious about changing the law governing immigration of foreign nationals into the United States. That's a big "If". My cynical self--brought out once again from the depths of my consciousness--tells me that the current debate and citizen polarization about "illegal" immigrants living in America is a chimera, a smoke screen to allow "business as usual" within the Executive Branch, a shield against inquiry, criticism and public dissent toward this Administration, about its rationale for and conduct of the Iraqi invasion and subsequent occupation, about ineptitude in intelligence resources and in inadequate, half-hearted federal disaster recovery operations. Further, there are nascent investigations into felonius activity by the most senior members of this Administration regarding domestic electronic surveillance by the NSA without obtaining a warrant from the judiciary. The investigation into the public naming of an undercover CIA agent authorized by individuals within the Office of the Vice President is ongoing at glacial speed. The number of lobbyists, government officials and elected representatives revealed as corrupt, influence pedalling compounded by felonious attempts to deceive investigators by many in Washington. In sum, a distraction of the public's attention away from these negatively perceived activities by the GOP President, Vice President, other senior members of this GOP Administration and by highly visible GOP members of Congress--might alienate voters in 2006 and 2008 to the extent that the GOP cannot regain political dominance. I think the bipartisan image within Congress is a defensive move by some Democrats who might lose their reelections by a ubiquitous voter antipathy toward incumbents. Any incumbent could be seen as collaborating or enabling the agendas of this Bush/Cheney cabal.
# posted by Sherfdog @ 18:16