It seems that my vote was overruled 3 to 1. Measure B, the bond issue for repair, replace and upgrade school facilities seems to have passed overwhelmingly. It boggles the mind that voters have approved three bond issues to address the same projects beginning in 2000 to the sum of 907 million dollars. I don't get it. The voters are giving an additional $435 million to a district administration still being run by the State in receivership. The local educational authorities have demonstrated little competence for so long. Inept fiscal management is rewarded by giving the same incompetents almost a $billion to waste.
At least Prop 82 has been rejected by the voters. No free preschool in a proposal to offer free preschooling to all children, a target of 70 percent participation (up from the current level of 62 percent.
Maybe gay marriage is the only issue people feel they can engage--we have no say or control in everything else.
# posted by Sherfdog @ 02:57