I don't like the tone of Speaker Pelosi's continuing rebuff of calls for investigations by Congress into the crimes that characterized the Bush Administration's shattering of the Bill of Rights in the name of convenience and expediency. Almot forty years ago, when I was stationed with the 130th Engineer Brigade, I observed our brigade adjutant consoling his very young daughter. She was crying and angry in frustration that a flat tire was delaying their departure on vacation. Art, speaking gently yet authoritatively, told his daughter, "This is not a television show; this is life. When we don't like something in life, we can't switch the channel for something nicer." In the years since that brief father-daughter talk, I have rarely found a better reality check or a more effective way to focus my attention on what really is happening now and I have to deal with it.
Speaker Pelosi seems ready to launch a new Winter-Spring line-up of new shows for the nation's attention and viewing pleasure. One of her first comments in 2006 when she became Speaker of the House was that "impeachment is off the table." Then as now I feel denied, cheated of my Constitution-based due process for the actions ordered and encouraged by President Bush and Vice-President Cheney between September 12, 2001, and January 19, 2009.
Speaker Pelosi may conclude that the symptoms of un-Constitutional acts are the proper focus for the new President and Congress in 2009. My views tend to concur with those of Senator Leahy and Representatives Waxman and Conyers who believe that Congress can and should begin due process for the charges of causality for the "symptoms" that threaten or have lowered our quality of life, our national security and our moral reputation as perceived internally and externally.
I made a list to help Congress with its investigations.
# posted by Sherfdog @ 10:11