29 July 2011
Saving the Grand Canyon from Unfettered Capitalists

I am calling to your attention a current piece of legislation that is against the Conservative philosophy of maintaining and protecting of basic parts of what America is. The Interior Department's Appropriations bill threatens the Grand Canyon and other national parks and I urge that you oppose this bill. This Appropriations bill contains other provisions that threaten our national parks and the authority of the President to designate national monuments under the Antiquities Act.
Please vote "No" on this bill as written and on all legislation that would take away these means of protecting what America is built upon and that remind us of the Divine blessing of this diverse environment.
The Grand Canyon is a very special place in the world that deserves to be treated as such. Increased mining in the area surrounding the Grand Canyon would threaten the integrity of this special place for the Navajo Nation and the US.
The water passing through the canyon is a vital water resource for 25+ million people downstream. The US Chamber of Commerce has the data to show that the Grand Canyon, the four surrounding states and the Navajo Nation are tremendous tourism draws for domestic and international visitors. Any diminishing of tourism threatens an economy of hundreds of local businesses and vendors whose livelihoods depend on the Grand Canyon as one of the great wonders of the world.
I also cannot abide this bill's allowing for giving away national assets without requiring commercial users to pay significant royalties to compensate the American people and the Navajo people for such a fundamental change in this area's land use.
Please oppose the contents of the Interior Department Appropriations Act concerning Grand Canyon uranium mining provision and any provisions limiting the President's authority in the Antiquities Act.
[Sent to Darrell Issa, (R-CA) 28 July 2011]
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